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Arlington Fest 2023
Group Photo
This Picture was taken at the lineup for the parade.
(L to R) A. Farthing, M Hindall, T Richard, J Amstutz, C. Kin, S. Burns, D. Wears.

1155 Makes a guest appearance
Since being placed in reserve and serving as the "rehab truck" this is 1155's first public appearance.

Old Friends
It was great being able to catch up with some of our old friends.

1151 is "parade ready" in this picture

1150 Standing Tall
1150 Shows her colors off to the crowd

New Friends
Every year it seems we end up making new friends

Hanging Around
Todd Richard tests his strength with the HangTime challenge

Good Side
Pictured is James Amstutz at our "home" for the festival.

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